
Artifact Report 6320

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 11 years, 6 months ago



Christine Claudio


EDTC 6320.61  

YouTube in the Classroom

Project Description:

Cooperative Project. Using a research-based design rationale for instruction, students will work collaboratively to develop an online module for an assigned topic involving an emerging technology. The project includes an analysis of the audience, design of the instructional wiki, development of project, and formative assessment of the materials, a design document file, a design rationale, and an evaluation report.


 The objective of this project was to learn how to work collaboratively with a team to develop a learning product. As a team, we chose to use You Tube in the classroom to enhance the critical-thinking aspect or reading. To follow the ADDIE model, under Analysis, we researched  peer reviewed articles through the course of the project to justify and rationalize the use of this product as a tool to enhance learning.  Each team member performed critiques and and provided feed back of the products produced. Team member reviewed the work to ensure that each area was properly referenced and cited.

Responsibilities Met:

Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management


Responsibility 4: Evaluation

4.2, 4.3

Responsibility 5: Research

5.1,5.2, 5.3

Responsibility 6: Collaboration

6.1, 6.2, 6.3

Performance Indicators Justification

Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students.

Performance Indicators Justification

3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.

3.1 The three different media utilized for the collaborative project were PBworks, YouTube and PowerPoint. PBworks, PowerPoint and YouTube allowed the team to develop, utilize, manage and deliver the instruction.

3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning. 3.2 Each team participant was assigned a phase and  researched the ADDIE model design and recorded information in the appropriate page link.
3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.

3.3 Prior to meeting, team members reviewed the progress of the project and upcoming deadlines. Team members maintained online group meetings. To organize and manage the online collaborations, individual pages were created and pages assigned.

Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals.

Performance Indicators Justification
4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.

4.2 Team members created an evaluation page to include a rubric for a summative evaluation. Team members provided constructive feedback. Each team member provided their portion. 

 Team members established the ability to use the summative strategies to  evaluate the quality of instruction. The suggestions were applied from fellow team members and as well as suggestions from the teaching assistant and from the professor. 

4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.

4.3  Team members evaluated  the collaborative project, and conducted one-to-one evaluations. The team members met with various teachers to determine the impact and the accessibility of the instructional unit as an instructional tool. The team conducted small groups evaluations. The quantitative data collected was added to the data collected throughout the one-to-one evaluations. The team conducted a field trial. Upon completion of the formative evaluation, necessary modifications were considered and implemented.  Reflections were used to modify and improve the products created within the collaborative product.

Responsibility 5: Research. The candidate collects, evaluates, and synthesizes research from a variety of appropriate sources in order to support decision-making in design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional systems.
Performance Indicators Justification

5.1 Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant topic in instructional technology.


5.1 Prior to selecting PBworks and YouTube.com as an instructional technology, the team members analyzed a subject-area in which students have had trouble in the past and that area is reading. As we looked at data provided on the Texas Educational Agency (TEA) website, we noticed a pattern in the assessment results of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). We looked at the data from the four largest ethnic groups in Texas one year prior to and one year after the targeted grade level of our analysis -- fourth grade. The ethnic groups looked at throughout our analysis were Whites, Hispanics, African-American, and Asian. The results recorded by TEA indicated that in the 2010-2011 school year, TAKS score for White students remained consistent at a 94% passing in third grade and in fourth grade then increasing by 1% in fifth grade while the passing performance of every other ethnic group decreased in passing performance from third to fourth grade.

5.2 Uses research in instructional technology to justify academic decisions in course work projects and professional work-related responsibilities.

5.2  The team members decisions for YouTube. in the classroom project were justified using instructional technology research. In constructing the project, the ADDIE model was used to design the project. The team analyzed the data and decided that utilizing a free web 2.0 tool such as PB works would help many educators to integrate technology to increase student achievement in an elementary classroom. Team, as well as, individual research references are located on our wiki:


5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies.

5.3 Team members used the ADDIE model to research and identity the basis for the instructional design. The ADDIE model includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation which are appropriate for the goal  to provide support for instructors at all academic levels from Pre-K to 12th in the area of reading, more specifically for the purpose of this project, to fourth grade teachers using 2.0 technology. Our team justified the use of You Tube as an instructional tool by reviewing multiple scholarly peer reviewed articles related to its use within the classroom and a previous presentation done by staff development specialist, Eliza Zenzen.   The first instructional strategy  by our team included creating a You Tube account with text. Our team also used a wiki power point and a wiki tutorial on Zamzar as an instructional strategy by application with a description of how each type can be used within a classroom setting.

Responsibility 6: Collaboration. The candidate demonstrates the ability to form electronic teams in order to identify and solve problems and opportunities in the field of instructional technology. The candidate demonstrates effective team building skills in a distributed collaboration environment, and demonstrates how candidate's own students or colleagues can take advantage of electronic collaboration for distributed team building.

Performance Indicators Justification

6.1 Demonstrates the ability to team electronically with professionals to identify instructional problems or opportunities and devise appropriate solutions.


6.1  The PB works team collaborated, via the wiki, Google.docs, Skype, phone calls and face-to-face to address any issues. Team members were able to contribute to the project via the wiki.  Each member participated in peer evaluations which allowed members to identify instructional problem and brainstorm potential solutions.  Revisions were made to the instructional topics based on the peer evaluations and  the project was formatted to better address the instructional problem.

6.2 Identifies trends in distributed instruction.

6.2  The PB works team identified trends utilizing Web 2.0 tools that  would would launch our analysis of critical thinking skills with focus on reading, keeping the 21st century tools as our main references to address this problem to be useful for future course work and or presentations. PB works is a commercial free real time on-line collaborative editing system:  632062project4

6.3 Demonstrates effective utilization of tools necessary to implement distributed instruction.

6.3  The delivery method that was selected for this project is a PB works wiki. PB works is a commercial free real time on line collaborative editing system, which allowed team member the opportunity to work at their convenience. Team  members included video tutorials

Modifications Made

The modifications that were made in our collaborative project were conducted within the time frame of the project at the following link: http://632062project4.pbworks.com/w/page/46361408/Development





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