
Artifact Report 6323

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Christine Claudio 


EDTC 6323 Interactive Multimedia Object 

Building a Classroom Community

Project Description:

The Dick and Carey instructional design model, was utilized to create this interactive multimedia presentation. The multimedia presentation is a continuation of the Instructional Unit developed in EDTC 6321. The project is broken down into three parts:


  • Part 1: Design Document. Plan a multimedia/hypermedia learning object for a specific instructional need
  • Part 2: Learning Object. Produce the planned learning object using available resources
  • Part 3: Summative Evaluation. Evaluate the learning object for quality and effectiveness. Key assessment also includes a design rationale.


The online training incorporated a design model to be completed  by the learners. The multimedia was designed to enhance the training by adding Blabberize(voice to an animated character), guided questions for specific learning object and post-assessments.  The presentation was assessible on Weebly.


Responsibilities Met:

Performance Indicators Justification

Responsibility 2: Design. The candidate will design instruction (or human performance strategies) to meet the needs of learners. Design documents and projects must show evidence of analysis of problem situation, awareness of unique characteristics of intended audience and implications for instruction, selection and implementation instructional strategies consistent with analysis of the learning situation and intended learners, selection and justification of appropriate medias, and evidence of both formative and summative evaluation strategies.

Performance Indicators Justification

2.1 Demonstrates ability to perform analysis and documentation of instructional need or opportunity resulting in student-centered, performance based instructional objectives based upon, and appropriate for, a specific audience.

2.1 Based on a conversation with our librarian Mrs. Cavazos, she expressed the need for community learning and digital citizens.  I determined that an instructional need existed for properly utilizing Edmodo to create an effective classroom community website.  I discussed my observations with Mrs. Cavazos and the Instructional Facilitator and she revealed that Edmodo would an effective web tool to implement and monitor classroom citizens.   Upon completion of the analysis, I developed a Weebly to house my training.
2.3 Demonstrates ability to select and integrate into instruction a variety of research-based instructional strategies.  2.3 The Dick and Carey instructional design model was used to develop and interactive multimedia presentation,  application questions, reflection questions, and a rubric. The hypermedia/multimedia presentation was selected because it allowed itself for training purposes. The learner is able to view the steps and refer back as needed in order to successfully master the skills presented. The application questions allow the learner the opportunity to practice and apply the skills presented before hand. The reflection questions aided the learner to reflect on practices and understand the reasoning.  The rubric provided clear expectations and provided the learner with an opportunity to self-reflect and self-assess. Research based instructional strategies research can be viewed:  at CClaudio.Project

2.5 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluations for iterative assessments of components of the design process



2.5 Part 3 of the project was a three step formative assessment.

The first evaluation was completed by a subject-matter expert (SME). The SME suggested revisions and modifications to improve the instructional unit. Based on the SME feedback, revisions were made and completed. The following evaluations was a one-to-one evaluation. The participant in this evaluation possessed basic computer literacy skills and is reluctant to use technology within the classroom. I  selected  a veteran teacher  to determine if the instructional unit was user-friendly. The final evaluation included a small group, consisting of  two individuals. Data were collected and analyzed and areas of concern based on learning goal and performance objectives were noted. Each evaluation provided a different perception and resulted in improvement to the instructional unit. 

Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students.

Performance Indicators Justification
 3.1   Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.  

3.1 The purpose of this instructional unit is to convey information in more interesting formats to grab the user's attention and therefore, selected a Weebly to house the training guide and provide a rich learning experiences, Blabberize, a very easy application that allows you to speak through a picture and Survey Monkey. 

 3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.



3.2 Following the analysis, it was established that a web-based instructional unit would be the most effective technology to include within this design. This decision was based partially on the fact that the intended audience poses a wide range of computer literacy skills. Additionally, the method of delivery was considered when determining which technology to include. This instructional unit will be placed on the district web-site so that it can be completed at the convenience of the learner. It will be available anytime and from anywhere an internet connection is available. The instructional unit is simplistic in nature, but engages the learner throughout through the use of application and reflection questions

3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement

3.3 The instructional unit was broken into 5 different phases. The phases were reviewed and feedback was provided by fellow classmates. Upon completion of each phase, I would make modifications based on  their feedback.  A timeline and a checklist was created to assist and managing my on-line project to ensure the materials and evaluations were completed in a timely matter.   

3.4 Uses the results of evaluation methods to revise and update instructional materials. 


3.4 After each evaluation was conducted I implemented the feedback and made appropriate changes. Modifications included, rephrasing goal statements, grammar revisions, and updating questions.  The instructional unit will continue to be modified based on meeting the learners goals and objectives.

Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals.

Performance Indicators Justification

4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.


4.2 The instructional unit was evaluated by 5 campus-based colleagues. Each participant received the web link via email to participate in the evaluation of the instructional unit. Upon receiving feedback from the participants, improvements were made.

4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.




4.3 In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this instructional unit and determine if the instructional goals and objectives were met,  three step formative assessments were utilized. These assessments focused on both the instructional goals and were analyzed to provide feedback. and used to improve the effectiveness of the instructional unit. A pre-anticipation and post-anticipation guide was developed to assess the learners prior knowledge and final level of understanding. A checklist was used to assist the learners through the training. Approximately ten to fifteen questions were embedded from Survey Monkey to check for understanding.

Modifications Made

Following the evaluations, modifications were made to enhance the effectiveness of the multimedia presentation that include:


  • Through Survey Monkey, I will create the pre-test and post-test and provide the link in the instructional unit. By doing this the learner does not need to print the tests. 
  • Explicit instructions will be added to the videos so novice learners will not get frustrated just in case they do not know how to start the video.
  • Original training guide was changed to reach a mature audience.
  • Make sure each training page has the main navigation menu buttons. 
  • Added more in-depth quiz questions to test the learner’s mastery of the objective being learned.






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