
Artifact Report 6321

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Christine Claudio 

EDTC 6321: Instructional Design



Project Description: EDTC 6321 – Instructional Design

 Using the Dick and Carey instructional design model, students will design, develop, implement and evaluate of a 30-minute Instructional Unit for a specific target audience in a specific learning environment. The project is broken down into five parts. This instructional unit was designed to instruct PK--5th grade teachers on how to create a classroom community using Edmodo. The unit includes an overview of the target audience, their learning environment, instructional goals; a task analysis and the instructional objectives of each unit. The performance objectives and assessment instruments as well. The instructional strategies instrumental  for the unit included a PDF form of the initial and final draft materials and training site, formative evaluations included feedback from a subject matter expert, a one-to-one review, and a group review. Throughout the course of the project, each draft and revision was uploaded to designated group wiki for review from group members. 

Responsibility 2: Design. The candidate will design instruction (or human performance strategies) to meet the needs of learners. Design documents and projects must show evidence of analysis of problem situation, awareness of unique characteristics of intended audience and implications for instruction, selection and implementation instructional strategies consistent with analysis of the learning situation and intended learners, selection and justification of appropriate medias, and evidence of both formative and summative evaluation strategies. 

Performance Indicators Justification

2.1 Demonstrates ability to perform analysis and documentation of instructional need or opportunity resulting in student-centered, performance based instructional objectives based upon, and appropriate for, a specific audience.

2.1  In EDTC 6321, the project was to create an Instructional Design. I selected the Web 2.0 tool,  to house my project. The goal of this particular instructional unit was discussed with the Instructional Facilitator, who expressed the interest to implement and integrate Edmodo at our campus. Creating an Edmodo account to use within the classroom will align with Technology TEKS and the districts vision with creating a digital classroom and create a safe, interactive community classroom. The specific goals for the teachers are to create an Edmodo account, maintain a classroom community, share daily assignments, homework and grades, foster digital citizens according to TEKS and implement creative and innovative instruction. The instructional design included a guide, surveys and tutorial videos.The guide and feedback from the survey allowed and provided me with pertinent

information of meeting the goals of my target audience. 

 2.2 Demonstrates ability to perform comprehensive task analysis of an instructional objective.

 2.2  The attached flowchart illustrates the main task and subordinate skills involved in creating an Edmodo classroom community page: The task required in this instructional Unit 2 corresponded with the intellectual domain of learning as described by Dick and Carey. The instructional unit involves concrete concepts that classify things by their physical features, defined concepts that classifies things by their abstract features and rules to apply a simple procedure to solve a problem. The learner will be responsible for identifying and classifying information, to be included in Edmodo website. In addition, the learner will determine and synthesize the rules that are applicable to the instructional goal and utilize those rules to complete the goals.

 2.3 Demonstrates ability to select and integrate into instruction a variety of research-based instructional strategies.  2.3 The instructional strategies were developed based according to the instructional goal. The strategies included Pre-instructional activities, content-presentation, learner’s participation, assessment, and follow through activities. 


  • Through the use of an anticipation guide, teachers will discuss prior knowledge about what they already know about Edmodo, including its similarity to Facebook and the importance of digital citizenship.


  • As each participating teacher practice the steps of the module, they will be required to reflect on their own learning. This reflection will be guided through the use of questions that will require self-reflection, along with peer feedback, before advancing to the next step.
2.4 Demonstrates ability to develop and select appropriate assessment instruments.

 2.4  In IU3, assessments were developed  in this unit. Applications questions were developed for each lesson and checked for understanding of the skills required for each task.  They check for The instructional design includes goals, steps, performance context, and performance objectives. A sample assessment was included after each step to the learner to demonstrate comprehension. A post-assessment for this project is a rubric, that included multiple choice questions.

2.5 Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluations for iterative assessments of components of the design process.

2.5  Three steps of formative evaluation were completed. The first evaluation was completed by a subject-matter expert (SME). The SME completed the instructional design and provided feedback to improve the instructional unit. The second step, one-to-one evaluation was conducted. The individual who completed the instructional unit was computer literate, within the target audience, and a fellow MSTPPA student. The final evaluation included small group, but due to the summer vacation, it was completed by a fellow coworker. The feedback provided information to address areas of concern according to the learning goals and performance objectives. 

Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students. 

Performance Indicators Justification

3.1  Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias. 

3.1 The instructional unit is designed to be completed without assistance. The following media was integrated within the instructional unit, Screenr, a Screencast, a training guide, and on-line surveys for understanding. Blabberize was used to demonstrate knowledge on the instructional unit for the training.  

3.2  Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.

3.2 Research was conducted through the UTB database, and the use of the textbook: Dick, Carey & Carey.  Research was conducted to determine the needs of the learners, identify instructional goals, and to facilitate the learning process. It consists of breaking instruction down into smaller components, these smaller components will then work together to bring about the desired learning outcome. 

3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement. 

3.3 This project was broken into 5 separate units. Each unit was focused upon specific elements of the instructional unit. Each section was carefully planned and changes were made to ensure understanding. Timelines and due dates were used to manage the successful completion of the project. Evaluators were fellow coworkers that provided feedback via email, due to the summer vacation.  

3.4 Uses the results of evaluation methods to revise and update instructional materials 

3.4 The evaluations conducted resulted modifications and improvements of the overall instructional unit.Sam Houston Colleagues provided feedback and corrections were made.  I will continue to visit my instructional unit to add and make corrections to ensure the quality of the goals to reflects Dick and Carey. Feedback is provided within the wiki.

Responsibility 4: Evaluation.The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals. 

Performance Indicators Justification

4.1  Demonstrates ability to use formative evaluation strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.


4.1 The input from the three-step formative evaluation was carefully analyzed and applied to the instructional unit through revisions and modifications. The evaluations, a subject-matter expert (SME), and individual, and a small group. The input from the evaluations was carefully analyzed and applied to the instructional unit.  

4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.

4.3  To demonstrate the effectiveness of this instructional unit, an array of assessments were utilized.During the instruction, questions were embedded within the multimedia presentations at the end of each of the first-level task are included. Feedback is provided for each choice and an explanation is provided to ensure understanding. In addition, learners are provided with Blabberize trainer that defines the live requirements of the final product. 

4.4 Documents results from formative evaluations and uses those results to revise instructional materials, and/or instructional development.

4.4 Initial feedback is provided in IU3 from Sam Houston colleagues and revisions were made accordingly from the three stages. All evaluations are documented in IU5


Modifications :

The Instructional Goal was modified to create a community classroom through the use of Edmodo. Based on the three-step-formative evaluation completed by the SME, an individual, and a small groups, I was able to make corrections. IU5




Comments (1)

Christine Claudio said

at 12:10 pm on Jun 22, 2013

Changes made according to your previous feedback. April 20

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